Vito the Pug Wins the 2024 National Dog Show

There’s a great new show in town!
A pug named Vito, 2 and a half years old, was crowned the 2024 National Dog Show on Thursday, November 28.
Vito beat out competition from a Welshman named Verde for the award during Thursday’s Thanksgiving Day NBC show. The event was held at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, Pennsylvania.
Vito was first named the best in the toy category before claiming the overall award.
“I’m proud of him,” the co-owner said Carolyn Koch said, according to NBC.
Vito Manager, Michael Scotthe said he feels that Vito will do well in this competition.
“I was hopeful,” he said in a statement. “I always hope that I will look really good [from the judge]. … Vito has a good head and looks. Excellent frame. “

“Compact, features, movement – everything a pug should be,” the judge George Milutinovich noted the press release.
“I have never seen him. Wow. Wow. A lot of dogs in a small package. To look at a pug is to put a smile on your face,” added Milutinovich.
Despite being just 2 and a half, Vito has entered 75 dog shows, with The Independent. His win on Thursday is his 25th in-show win.

As well as claiming the title, Vito won over his owners Koch, Joy Barbieri again Rebecca Movall $20,000 cash prize.
Previous winners of the National Dog Show include Stache, a Sealyham terrier, in 2023, Winston, a French bulldog, in 2022, and double winner Claire, a Scottish deerhound who won the prize in 2020 and 2021.
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