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Why is now a good time to apply for Southwest credit cards

One of the best deals in the go we are Southwest Companion. No other Petk Travel for allowing you to create your own Cheeta-One-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one you can last for about two years.

This passes allows you to bring a partner, child, parent or friend in all your Southwest planes – to receive tax costs and tax costs. Also, even if you book your southwestern plane with Southwest Rapid Rewards Points, your designated partner cannot visit a South African member and Sounwester Companion.

That is a wonderful advantage or how you collect it – but you can find out more from this Agreement if your items are carefully (above on that minute).

Benchmark suitable for 135,000 points (or 100 suitable in One-Way Firfs) to find your friend. Fortunately, I will show you how to protect the southwest partner for two years – if you hurry.

How to put the full time in the southwestern South

Finding Southwest Companion Pass requires 135,000 points in the calendar year.

Once you have found your friend you pass, you are allowed for a whole year when you get it and the next calendar year. Therefore, if you have found a friend in November or December 2024, it was appropriate about the surplus of 2024 and would continue to work in all the expector 2025.


However, if you are leading a friend through February 2025, then it will work until late 2026 – about two years of law. That means the right time to try and find a friend more than the beginning of the calendar year.

Since one way to achieve a friend’s pass needs 100 aviation through the Southwest, leading points is an easy way for people. Here is how to be southwest, how to explain what kinds of points of points will be for the PASS Friend:

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The following does not include as a suitable employee:

  • Purchase of points
  • Points referred to members
  • The modified points appear at the hotel and to employ the reliability of programs, e-regulations, Vatses ideas surveys or diners club
  • New Bonuses Members of Quick Reward
  • Bonus points at tier
  • Bonus points flying
  • Bonus partners points outside those who have been found with southwestern credit cards

The passage of a friend is found from points sent to your account in one calendar, so you have to start again from zero in Jan. 1 each year. What does all this mean? Those bonuses are available from welcome South African aircraft bonuses found the passing friend, and (rightly) he wants them to hit your account in January or February to get a partner for about two years.

In short, opening the Southwest Airlines Card Card in the morning and completes the minimum demand for money as soon as you can be your easy way to pass in the Southwest Airlitsis.

Related: I got a new credit card? Here are 4 tips that help you find your acceptance bonus

To get the points you need to achieve the passing of a friend

This makes these early months of the first time to start planning your PortiGi Fulfillment Nepulesest Pass. With the bonus offer on the Southwest Credit Cards, you must apply for One – or two – Southible Cards to find the passing over 2025 and 2026.

SOUTHYEST RAPID REWARD CARD ($ 69 Credit Card), South African Credit Card for Souwest ® ($ 149) All provides the same bonus: New applicants can receive points of 30,000 bonus and Southwest’s Companion Pass (working in February 28, 2026) After spending $ 4,000 in the first three months of the account opening. Offers ended on March 31.

Ben Smithson / Points of Personal

The presentation of the admission to the current approval involves a PASS PARTIVE PASS 2026. However, if you hit the score that earns 135,000 points this year of calendar, you will be able to keep a friend past 2026 – to extend a friend past 10 months.

There are many ways to find out the remaining points, such as additional credit card money, it is actually flying in the southwest and colleagues. You can think of opening the southern card with the southwestern business with your Southwest Card.

Two small southwestern cards currently offer their interesting bonuses:

The Southwest Rapid Rewactis® card card has been collected independently of guy points. Card details on this page has never been reviewed or given by the cardholder.

Related: Learned lessons are in southwest

Strategy to find a Southwest partner has gone by 2025-2026

Unfortunately, the rush does not allow you to have the highest Southeast credit card open. But those limits are not working in business versions.

This makes the easiest way to get a more than 2026 partner: Get a small business card bonus and your card bon. Then, little work is required.

Randomhartz /

For example, the fastest instant business card for the fastest business provides a few southwestern Perks. If you were to open this card and any South West card, you can find a friend for the first time:

  • Spending $ 5,000 in Southwest Performance Business (80,000 points)
  • Spending $ 4,000 on the Personal South West card (30,000 points)

That $ 9,000 in money spending can be 110,000 points (worth $ 1,485, according to TPG’s Februqict 2025). You will then need 25,000 points for more than 135,000 points to qualify the passing of the Southwest Companion. Also, you do not need to ‘cash on “your points to find your friend. You keep the points in your account and you can use those awardly flying – and bring your friend.

Also, pass on points found on the cards such as Chase Sapbire Reserve® or Chase Sapphire preferable for your Rapid Rewards account card in Jagues. However, if you already have your friend, you can transfer points to radish recals from the Chacis Ultimate Rewards to book your Southwest tickets and have a designated friend to fly with you basically free.

Related: How to Redict Points With Southwest Rapid Rewards Program

Who is suitable for a new Southern Card?

Southwest Cards provide strong bonuses. If you are curious about your merits, here is the chasing mentioned:

“Product is not available (i) current card cards of any of the fastest southwest Rewards® Credit card, or (ii) previous cardard cards for any instant Rise Rewards Rewards card receiving a new Cardmember bonus within the past 24 months. This does not apply to the authors of the Southwest Rapid Rewards Card Business and Credit Card Products. “

This means you can only find a new Cardmeld bonus on a southwest card within a 24-month cycle, so make sure you find the best bonus. Note, too, if you currently have open Web credit cards, you will not be ready for this offer.


The same limit is not working on the Credit Cards in Southwest Rapidable Southern Rapid Rewards Performance Card Card. The Business Card Prevention Status:

“The new Bonus Bonus is not available (i) card card cards for this credit business, or (ii) former card cards are the business credit card that receives the new business card at the previous 24 months.”

This means you can get a bonus on a small business card and a credit card from the south-west annual year to approach the passing of a friend.

Otherwise, you can find two small bonuses of businesses; You can’t just get two cards.

And don’t forget about the law of Chase 5/2/4. If you opened five or new credit cards in any of the issuers 24 months ago, you will be denied when applying for a Southwest card.

Related: Who is eligible for business credit card?

A bit of bitterness

Now is a good time to strengthen your programs to get Southwester Companion.

If you can open a personal card with a small business card, you can create the times acceptable bonuses to record your account this year. That will give you about two full years of a friend through.

Apply here: Southwest Rapid Rewards and Credit Card

Read more: SOUTHWEST RAPIDE REWARD Premier Card Card Card


Apply here: Southwest Rack Rep Amplession Creditem Credit Card

Apply here: SOUTHWEST RAPIDE REWARD Premier Card Card Card

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