Was Benidoviz from illegal tactics against Morreeell?

Thero Teddy Atlas said that David Benelzzzzi strokes from David Morell that might not be allowed to be at the aftermath Saturday night.
Atlas saw these two questionable tactics in the benidz:
- Piercing behind the ear
- Gravity of Morell down with his left hand and hitting.
Fighters can knock on the floor and squeeze, but they should not lower and pair. Benatvose did this. He was holding one of the fire weapons down when he stopped others.
The referee should have seen that tactic and warned or paid Dedidaz. That is called holding and beating, no in the game.
Clearly Benevidezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi zved video to come up with a plan to address Morrell’s High Guard, but you don’t like to see the old Drawing of the security guard the ployet used. Morrell could not pull his arm back to protect his head because left of Benid Dayedz was holding it to grow in raising.
Punches behind the head
The back of the head is considered illegal and should be warned and priced with their referees. Atlas calls ‘beating behind the ear,’ but it looked like a punching background, which was used by Benidavazz against Meralall.
Rabbit Punching should lead to warnings, but they are a referee tend to ignore or fail to see you. They focus more on low beats, interesting, provided that the appearance of the head is very dangerous.
There were situations in the Benedzz-Morrell war that looked like a rabbit rabbit from Nyevezz, but there is nothing said. That was so strange. Was the result unique if the refereeers had ceased Benidaved to using these tricks? Maybe no, but we’ll never know.
“He [Benavidez] He used his left hand to pull Morrell’s guard and beat him right hand as he did. Don’t know what is allowed? He deceptive not to do it, “said Teddy Atlas coach at his Youtube coach, which spoke illegally David Benid Davidaz to all his army and David Morrylerell on the country where Cuba.
“I’m not sure that all refethums can allow you to reach top and pull the Guys’ of the guys down.
“Beneveh Z aimed at his ear. He threw the right side of the right after his ear,” says Atlas about Morrell’s head of Headenz Benedevez and out of being heated or punished. “There is more than one way to beat a boy with right hand.
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