Today’s NYT Wordle Tips, Answers and Help for Oct. 21, #1220

You want the most recent The answer to the words? Click here for today’s Wordle tips, as well as our daily answers and hints for the New York Times Mini Crossword, Connections and Strands puzzle.
There are tons of other word games online now, but I still play the New York Times Wordle game every day. These days, it’s not only an old friend, it’s also a great heater for Connections, Strands and more.
Plus, we’ve ranked all the alphabets by popularity, if you want to use this list to decide on your best first names.
Wordle tips every day
I’ve written a lot about Wordle — from its 1,000 word compilation to my list of the best startup words to a handy two-step strategy to stories about controversial word conversions. I even combined what I learned playing the hit online word puzzle for a full year. If you’re rethinking your need for a real answer, you might try some tips from one of those stories.
Still need a first name? One person told me that they just look around and pick a five letter thing they saw as their first name — like COUCH or CHAIR. I tend to stick to first names with the most popular letters used in English names. I like TRAIN as a starter, although I have a friend who uses TRAIL. I’ve read that people use the financial term ROATE, but I like to use terms I actually know.
What is Wordle?
If you read this far, you know how to play. You have six chances to guess a five-letter word, and the game gives you feedback on whether the letters you guessed are in the puzzle or not, and if they’re in the same place you guessed they are. The New York Times bought the game from creator Josh Wardle for seven figures in 2022. Wardle created a game for his colleague, and allowed him to reduce the 12,000 five-letter words in the English language to just 2,500, creating a database of answers. . It was easy, too, that you have a name that plays “name.”
A Times spokesperson told me it counted the first Wordle as it appeared on June 19, 2021, and the paper celebrated the game’s 1,000th word on March 15. Spoiler: That 1,000th word was ERUPT. Like, “Daddy’s going to explode if Wordle is so strong he loses track.”
Today’s Wordle Tips
Before we show you the answer to today’s Word, we will give you some tips. If you don’t want spoilers, look away now.
Word suggestion no. 1: It repeats
Today’s Wordle answer has one letter duplicated.
Word suggestion no. 2: Vowels
There is one vowel in today’s Word answer, but it is a repeated letter, so you will see it twice.
Word Advice No. 3: The first book
Today’s Wordle answer starts with the letter S.
Word suggestion no. 4: Love dove
Today’s Wordle response can mean behaving in a loving, flattering manner.
Vocabulary advice no. 5: Explanation
Today’s Wordle answer often refers to a cutting piece used for wrapping and other things.
The answer to today’s Word is BREAK.
The answer to yesterday’s Word
Answer to yesterday’s Word, Oct. 20, No. 1,219, it was DICEY.
Latest Wordle Answers
October 16, No. 1,215: GRANT
October 17, No. 1,216: SECTION
October 18, No. 1,217: STINT
October 19, No. 1,218: FIBER