Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Offers Free IVF To Women Who Use His Sperm

A Russian IVF clinic offers women the opportunity to be fertilized for free. Getting caught? They should be willing to be infused with the sperm of Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of the semi-encrypted chat platform Telegram.
“You can do the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process for free, using sperm from Pavel Durov, one of the most famous and successful businessmen of our time,” AltraVita IVF clinic, based in Moscow, recently announced on. its website. Interested women under the age of 37 should call or email the clinic, the site says, noting that there are a “limited number of spaces” available for this special offer.
Durov’s obsession with his jizz has been known for a long time. The tech CEO has previously stated that he has already “birthed” more than 100 babies in 12 different countries with his various gifts of jizz. He said he is finally planning to “open source” his genome so that all his wayward children can find him.
The website of the clinic AltraVita (which boasts that it is the only cryobank “with the exclusive right to store and use Pavel Durov’s biomaterial”) cheerfully displays a stock photo of a woman who seems very happy that she gets to inject Durov’s spunk into her. ovaries:
From a financial perspective, AltraVita’s offering may be the best deal. IVF can be really expensive, and even after women have spent tens of thousands of dollars, the procedure doesn’t always work (in fact, studies have shown its success rate can be low). The clinic says Durov will pay for “all IVF procedures that use his sperm.” The obvious catch, however, is that, after the finances are taken care of, you have to grow a little version of Pavel Durov in your womb, give birth to it, and then…you know, take care of it forever.
You can see why that might be a small thing for some women. While it is true that Durov is a very successful (and, perhaps, brilliant) tech executive, he is also the creator of a platform that has been accused of being a hub for criminals, Nazis, sex offenders, and terrorists. In August, a Russian-born tech executive was arrested in Paris, after allegations spread that he had allowed criminal activity to flourish in his estate. Durov was eventually released on $5.5 million bail, and the investigation into his work is still ongoing.
Gizmodo has reached out to AltraVita for comment.
It’s hard not to see this as part of a broader, strange trend of Silicon Valley billionaires, considering themselves unfortunate for longevity. Whether it involves investing in new technology to extend their own lives or spreading their jizz to hundreds of women or, in the case of Elon Musk, having children with any woman in the same room as him, the ubermensch of the tech industry clearly believes that genes deserve to live forever, and they are willing to do everything they can to make sure that happens.
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