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The SEO Industry Is A Scam Designed To Protect Google And Extort Old Women

Posted by Joshua Tyler | Updated

The origin of SEO is not rational or well-intentioned. In the past SEO was used as a way to skew search results and trick search engines into low-quality, inappropriate scam content over the better stuff people might actually want.

This started an arms race, where legitimate publishers were forced to use those tactics to compete with unscrupulous fraudsters.

The SEO industry was then created to sell weapons to both sides.

Search Engines Should Have Saved Us From SEO

If search engines, Google being only one player among many at that time, were good at their job, they could stop everything at that time. SEO should never have been needed if they did what they were supposed to do.

Search engines were supposed to be the ones fighting those spammers, but they didn’t do a good job of it, forcing legitimate publishers to buy SEO weapons to fend for themselves.

Whether those early search engines failed due to incompetence or intent is anyone’s guess, but ultimately, it was search engines’ inability to distinguish good from bad content that allowed the SEO industry to flourish.

SEO Sells Weapons on Both Sides

SEO has never been about helping the good guys, though. They need bad guys to succeed or there would be no reason for the good guys to hire them. So it should come as no surprise to anyone that the SEO industry is a scam as fraudsters aim to help legitimate publishers combat it. If those fraudsters were truly defeated, the SEO industry would not exist.

Google has now taken a step to make the SEO industry useless. Unfortunately, it is not a movement that helps people in the SEO industry to participate in. Instead, Google abandoned the concept of being a search engine and changed its business model to one that seems to rate content based mainly on who its most important corporate partners are.

Google’s Move to Clear the SEO Industry

I recently attended a Google developer chat event, where they may have accidentally revealed this as their intention.

Another contributor asked Google engineers a simple question. I have changed the words to protect the innocent, but it was essentially this.

Why does Nike rank #1 in the “Best Shoes” question instead of a list written by an independent, unbiased reviewer?

We expected the response to be something like, “Oh, we’re working on that. Our algorithm is not specific. ” Instead, the response we got was this:

If we put a small publisher before a big brand, won’t they be angry?

From that answer, Google’s main concern can be seen to be ordering results to please powerful companies.

In that area, SEO stops having a number of small publishers. No amount of SEO can make your website a powerful entity.

20 independent publishers attended Google’s creator chat event. Nineteen of them spent $10,000 – $50,000 each, hiring well-known and highly respected SEO consultants on the Internet to help them solve their problems. None of them got good results, despite the fact that Google confirmed that all these sites were good and had no real problems.

If SEO consultants can’t help the sites Google already likes, what hope is there that they can help anyone else? Nothing.

Why SEO Pros Should Continue to Protect Google, Or Destroy Them

That’s why you’ll see SEO experts defending Google against claims that they favor big brands. They have to protect the biggest search engine in the world because when people realize the truth, they have no business anymore.

SEO reveals what they really think about you

If there is a future for SEO, it may be working for those big companies and trying to help them gain an edge over other big companies. If you’re Reebok and you want to surpass Nike, there may be some level of SEO that can help you get there.

The rest of the SEO industry has been given over to the lowly breadwinners who pray for the innocent and the elderly after Google’s recent moves. Their only customer base now is people who don’t know any better. Maybe that’s what it was all along.

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