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The boxing results: Chisora ​​defeats Wallin in Taing Liminator

The former WBA International Champion defeated Otto Wallin for the 12-round decision, claping in IBF title on Saturday night in Manchester, England, England.

Chisora, 36-13 (25), including kinkdown points in nine cycles and 12 rounds against Wallin, 34, receiving victory at a large event.

The first chisora ​​chosora entered within the wallin in the southern south of the south, sometimes in the eastern country of Southern country. With the second round, it was like the last minute there, in the corner, Wallin came to a few edge and left in Chisora.

At the last fourth minute, Chisora ​​came to the right on the curtain, the one later, and later, the best in the chin, to get the attention left.

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In the fifth round, Chesora was with a lazy wall. Chisora ​​has been cut between the right eyes and Eyebrow from heads. Had a little cut in the left eye. Before starting the cycle, the Temple, John Latham checked the cut and should have had a corner of the corner of blood before continuing.

At last minute of the sixth, Wallin used a successful left jab, opening and cut. In a tenth round, Chesora stopped fighting on the rods, and put his arms up and went back to work. At the last minute, Lallin opened the cut cut.

At the last minute of Eleventh Round’s, Chisora ​​came to the right hand in the Wallin Cool. At the twelve cycle and last minute, Chisora ​​kept pressure in Wallin, arriving with five mixed jackin with the last wall of canvas as a referee as a referee. When it went up, it looked like it was over, but the iron was heard.

Scores 117-109, 114-112 and 116-110

Had been in British and WBA Continental Champ Nathan ‘Hitman’ Heanan, 18-2-1 , on the topic of the AFF WHILE WRA.

In the first round, Heaney was quoted Khathi for the right in the chin. In a fifth round, the Cat knocked the blood from the south of Heaney with the right hand. Later, the left garment resulted in bad cuts on the left. His face was the bicycle of blood.

With the seventh round, the cat was still haefhe on his feet, completing the war.

British and Commonwealth Shimeweight Champ and WBC Silver Champion Jack ‘Demolition Man’ Demolition Man ‘RABLE Failed British Central Area Champ Redral

For the seventh flock, the Raff Traffy had Macrillan on foot when the towel.

The ‘Super’ Masood Abduh, 11-1 (7) has lost an opposing decision to Miller, 15-1 (3) in the open top of Britain, more than 12 rounds.

In the first three rounds, angry abduh comes out of Miller. With the seventh round, Miller appeared to find a mark where Abduh. In a tenth round, Abduh pulled the blood from the Miller nose, which was a stomach.

In the flood and eleven-eleven rounds, Miller returned well.

The referee Mark Lyson. Scores 114-114, 115-114, 115-113

Super Weltewoight Walter Fury, 3-0 (0) Discoured Joe Hardy, 3-28) for the decision of 4 round points.

Free View Lysoni Received 40-37

Middleweight Joe Cooper, 4-0) Beat Artjom Spatar, 4-11-1 (1) above 4 cycles.

In the fourth round, Cooper hit pairdowns.

Reference Steve Gray Waking 40-34 points

Heyuyeight Lewis Williams, 3-0 (1) Cristian ‘of Cracker’ Wakes, 1-5 (1) Round.

Refresh Steve Gray has received 40-36

The Super Featherweight South

Free View Lyson to Make 40-36

Lighthightweight of Zackweight, 26-1 (18) is defeated by Malcael Diallo, 21-12 (18) above 10 rounds.

At the four circular party and get the best to determine his right eyebrow. In the seventh round, Parker’s face was the confusion and several cuts, including his nose. He was out of strength, or possible.

In a round-round Parker he shook a diylo for the right to the middle of Chint street between the all around. It seemed that Parker took you out of the tenth place.

Scores 98-92, 98-93, 97-94

Reference Victor Loudlin, and the ring publisher was Thomas Thomas Treiber

Keep Review on 02/08/2015

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