The best indoor plants for rooms with low light and air purification

Indoor plants They are not just for looks, although they are nice to have to enhance beauty. Some plants save the bugswhile others are known cool the air at home during the hot summer months, a useful benefit that can save you from burning the AC on cooler days. For fresh, clean air that will keep you happy, healthy and cool, we’ve rounded up the best indoor plants for air purification. We’ve also compiled a list of plants that thrive in low-light environments — so you don’t have to worry about them wilting.
Choosing low-maintenance plants or those that don’t require hours of direct sunlight can help you become a more successful plant parent. Some types of houseplants are The target is hard to kill while others are better at cleaning the air. Translation: Some houseplants are hardy and better for green thumbs, especially if you don’t have a lot of time and energy to devote to them. houseplants.
Whether you work with limited natural light, a busy schedule or polluted air that needs cleaning, there are plants to give your space the energy it needs. (Make sure you check it out too where to put your plants to keep them alive again 10 frost tolerant plants that will survive the winter outdoors.)
The best indoor plants for air purification

Researchers at the University of Washington have genetically modified a common houseplant — pothos ivy — to remove chloroform and benzene from the air around it.
Many studies have proven that certain plants can absorb organic compounds that pollute such as formaldehyde and they made each other with its leaves and roots. That suction cleans the air around the plant.
A NASA study even highlighted a few plants that were successful in cleaning the surrounding air. If you want to breathe easy, but don’t want to buy air purifierchoose one of these plants for their ability to improve indoor air quality.
Marble queen pothos or devil’s ivy (Epipremnum aureum)

Marble queen pits purify the air as well as any other houseplant.
Devil’s Ivy, also known as golden pothos, is an excellent air purifier, known to remove harmful VOCs such as formaldehyde, benzene and toluene. It is especially suitable for those who have trouble keeping plants alive. Pothos are nearly impossible to kill — hence the nickname Satan — and only need watering every seven to 10 days.
Pothos are very good at cleaning up those biotech startups Neoplants uses this type for its own microbiome-charged air-purifying system which turns an ordinary houseplant into an air purifier that removes toxins equivalent to 30 plants.
On the downside, marble queen pothos is not very pet-friendly and contains toxins that can harm your four-legged friend if eaten.
Peace lily (spathiphyllum)

Peace lilies are a good choice for homes without direct sunlight.
Named for the white flowers reminiscent of the surrender flag, these emerging beauties remove formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air around them. Peace lilies can grow up to 16 inches tall and don’t need direct sun, but they do need regular watering.
English ivy (Hedera helix)

English ivy can reduce the amount of fecal matter released into the air in your home.
According to NASA research, English ivy is an excellent plant to grow indoors if you’re looking for air filtering capabilities.
English ivy absorbs formaldehyde, which is found in some household cleaners and can reduce the amount of fecal matter released into the air. However, it should be kept out of the reach of any pets, as it can be poisonous if eaten.
Gerbera seeds (Gerbera jamesonii)

Gerbera daisies add color and pack an air-cleaning punch.
This bright and colorful flower packs a dirt-absorbing punch, filtering out trichlorethylene and benzene, chemical compounds found in detergents and solvents. Gerbera daisies need lots of sunlight, so keep your plant in a well-lit area and be sure to water it regularly.
The best indoor plants for low light
Just because you live in an area with limited natural light, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy plants inside your home. These shade-loving species make a great addition to any home, especially if it’s sunny.
Snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Snake plants release oxygen at night, unlike other types of plants.
This hardy plant, named for its long leaves, does not need sunlight or regular watering to survive. They are easy to keep alive and can grow up to 12 inches long.
The snake plant also releases oxygen at night, unlike most plants, which release it during the day. That makes it a great bedroom plant, and it can help you sleep better.
Orchid flowers (Phalaenopsis Blume)

These flowers can last for four months even in low light conditions.
These unusual looking flowers are very easy to grow. They don’t need direct sunlight and you should let the soil dry between watering. That means you don’t have to remember to water as often.
These plants come in two standard sizes, the under 12-inch variety and the variety that reaches between 18 and 24 inches tall. Orchid flowers can last for four months and are suitable for areas with low light.
Gold mines (Epipremnum aureum)

Goldfish in the wild can grow up to 40 meters long.
This vigorous climbing plant can survive in most indoor light conditions. In the wild, it can grow up to 40 feet tall, but it will probably do better in your home as a hanging or potted plant.
Goldenrods do not need a lot of light and prefer a partially shaded area. They are incredibly durable and add bright, cheerful greenery to any interior.
Plants that don’t need a lot of watering
Let’s face it, keeping anything alive is a time-consuming responsibility. Sometimes watering your plants will just slip your mind. Don’t worry.
If you forget water your plants for a few days even if you take a vacation, these plants will forgive you. They can withstand several days, even a week in some cases, without injury.
Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider plants do not need to be watered regularly.
The scattered spider plant rarely dries up. In fact, it can go a week or more without H2O, thanks to its tube-like roots that store nutrients. However, if you see the tips of the leaves starting to turn brown, it’s time to water them.
The best way to store and display a spider plant is in a hanging basket or tall planter, so that the long leaves hang over the side. When it comes to light, the spider plant likes indirect light, not bright and not in full shade.
ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamifolia)

The thick, waxy leaves help ZZ plants conserve water.
This language changing plant is almost indestructible. It can tolerate many different lighting conditions and can go without water for a long time. Its bright green leaves are thick and sticky to help conserve water. Excessive watering can be the biggest enemy of this plant.
It’s also important to keep the leaves free of dust, so wiping them occasionally with a damp cloth or paper towel will go a long way in keeping your ZZ plant healthy. It is suitable for indoor areas, and is a great travel plant.
Succulent family (Echeveria)

Succulents need little watering.
Succulents are very popular in interior design these days, accenting desks, kitchens and everywhere in between. Although they need good natural light (most prefer full, direct sun), plants in the sweet family don’t need much water at all.
As with the ZZ plant, there is more danger in overdosing than underwatering. Succulents come in a variety of varieties with a wide range of beautiful colors, shapes and sizes.
Even if your thumb isn’t the greenest, these indoor-friendly plants will grow well in your home’s climate, maybe enhance it and look pretty, all at the same time.
For more garden and plant hacks, read about how do you grow your vegetables again How to change the color of hydrangea.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a good plant to put in my bedroom?
The snake plant is very good in the room, as it releases oxygen at night than during the day. This can help keep your breath fresh while you sleep, improving your chances of a restful night’s sleep.
What are the best plants for a beginner?
Succulents are great plants for beginners because they are very hardy and don’t need to be watered often. There are also many varieties of succulents, meaning you’re likely to find one that matches your aesthetic preferences.
Can I overwater my plants?
Yes, it’s possible to overwater your plants, especially houseplants like succulents and the ZZ plant. Excess water can kill the roots and wilt the plants, drowning and killing them.