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Sister Wives: Kody Slips- Meri Clipped Her Wings With A Dumping Charge

Sister Wives star Is Brown the fans go wild after watching him try to spin Mary BrownPart of the death of their marriage in the latest episode of the TLC series. But Kody said it, the real reason the word “leaving” is like nails on a blackboard to him, and viewers think his version stinks.

Sister Wives: A Pretty Little Package by Meri Brown

Sister Wives viewers watched last season Meri Brown heard everything Kody Brown had to say about their marriage. So, he chose to go ahead and finish it.

But, unlike the other two previous wives, Meri ended the relationship the way she entered 30 years ago, through the church. He was released after meeting with the church board.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown - Kody Brown
Sister Wives | TLC

For Meri, this was important for her to move forward. Thus, he became legally celibate in the eyes of his church. But was there another reason for him to want this done in a neat little package?

Kody Brown Release Comes with a Load

Meri Brown informed Kody Brown that she had filed for parole, so she could attend the hearing if she wanted to. But the Sister Wives the patriarch chose to ignore it. Now you have a big complaint, and it’s too late to fix this, it’s over.

Kody believes that this release leaves him with a stigma in the church. Despite not sharing much with his religion for a long time, this could cause a lot of trouble for the only wife he has left.

Kody Brown speaks as if he closed his eyes because of the call he received from the elders of the church. They told him that Mary Brown had been granted parole. Now that rubbed his father 18 the wrong way. But there is a reason behind his anger at being marked as abandoned.

Sister Wives: Kody Gives It Up – Meri Clips Her Wings

Sister Wives supporters argue that Mary Brown saw a hidden advantage that sent her to the church to be freed. Although Meri didn’t seem to be getting revenge for what Kody did to her, fans thought she had every right to be.

But Kody let it slide as to why he had a problem with this release. Therefore, whether Meri realizes this or not, the condemnation now pinned on Kody, may conflict with him in the future if he wants to take more wives.

In a temporary sentence on Sunday night Sister Wives Kody Brown said this could cause problems if he ever wanted to take multiple wives. Fans have heard Robyn Brown say many times that she wants sister wives. So, is this something these two have in mind?

And if so, did Meri know what the abandonment claim would do to Kody and Robyn? It can leave them stuck in a monogamous relationship forever. Because without the blessing of the church, polygamy would not happen to them.

Sure, they could bring in women, but that wouldn’t be the same. They have young children in the house, so Robyn would probably want any new relationship under church guidelines.

So, regardless of whether Meri Brown intended it or not, it seems that Kody Brown believes that he has clipped his wings for plural marriage in the future. Again Sister Wives fans love it today.

Check back on Soap Dirt for the latest buzz Sister Wives.

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