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Oscar Duarte excerently Miguel Madueño

Anaheim, California-Oscar Duarte made what never did: Stop Miguel Madueñoña 26-year-old in the seventh round. As Oscar de La Hoya pointed, not even the WHO LIGHHIHIGHIGHT DABIS Davis to quit Dueño in the last July.

This is a renamed Duarte, saying, with a world renowned World Robert Garcia, was ongoing ongoing global top. He had followers at a Honda facility grew by his work. Dearte put a show from the beginning to the end. Her ringing of the ring produced Mexican artists Meguel Cornejo and Juan Frear, singing the song “yo vengo de la Nada.” In the inside of the ring, he used the first round to feel his opponent.

When he heard Madueño’s power, he was convinced that he was able to withstand his symptoms. Duarte was able to rule the exchange because of her fast and stronger than Madueño. Duarte arrived 121 punches in seven rounds, connecting to 39 percent of her powerful punches (121 of 310). Madueño had a healthy job.

After the game, Duarte told the media that she would like to be a world champion, perhaps left a game with the arnold jerna jr. Or even heal his losses in Ryan Garcia. The latter, it may be happening in the future, as the Garcia has said he cannot make 140 pounds. The game with a gear can easily do as they both share the same encouraging in Golden Boy.

Barcupga was robbed Jack Cuttertall for a separate decision in the beginning of the day, for the authorized WBBO Champion Touse Lopez. Dearte would like to deal with any of the best in her class and said that you were prepared. He can rebuild the proper rehabilitation of the shooting. He compares well against WBA Champion Jose Valenzuela, but they joined the same coach, Robert Garcia. Coping with the line may not be on the cards.

Another possibility can be WBC Championship, Alberto Puelo has been set to face Sandor Martin March 1st Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York. Dearite seemed willing to put the champion. He revealed that he would take a few days to rest and return to the gym to train. He wants to be ready for who WHO HOOLOOYSEMS MARKENS against the next.

Regis PROGRIIN was a real opponent but could not compete because of the injury of the camp. Dearter seemed to be very corrected, and he would be beating Chartais if he looked at him on the ring. Robert Garcia knows how to find the best of her account and make it better. Dearte will only improve Robert, and a competitive game appears at the horizon.

Keep Review on 02/16 / 2015

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