How Do Actors Play Dead Bodies on Shows Like Law & Order?

After so many hours of running Law and Order: Special Victims Unitviewers eventually began to wonder: How do the actors play dead bodies so convincingly? And do they get breather breaks?
Fortunately, Ask us you are here for the answer. It turns out that it is not easy to control the fluttering of the eyelids, the shallow breathing or even, with a strong closure, the throbbing artery, which is why some actors are experts.
While giving us a planned tour of NBC’s St. Denis Medicala member of the cast Mekki Leeper he remembers talking to another cadaver king: “The actor told me that he examines corpses all the time and always writes them down.”
The expert has a foolproof technique for deciding when to breathe. “You hold your breath as long as you can and listen to the scene over and over again,” explains Leeper. “When a leading actor speaks, you know that person will appear on camera. That’s where he breathes fast.”
Although it takes skill, many people seem to have a desire to die. Mariska Hargitay he told Seth Meyers that the stars are always begging him Law & Order: SVU a tourist destination – like an unhealthy body.
“All the famous people, you know what they want? Being a corpse,” he said during an interview in October. “It’s strange.”
However, Meyers didn’t think it was that strange. He revealed that he is one of the celebrities who asked to play dead on the NBC show.
“I wanted to be a corpse. During the writers’ strike of 2007-2008, I met all of them Law and Order writers, and I was like, ‘I want to do a cameo, but I just want to be a corpse,'” Meyers recalled. “And they were like, ‘Oh my God, we’d love to have you on the show.’ But I was like, ‘Okay, but I’m a dead man.’
His agent sent the script, but Meyers was disappointed to learn that he would have lines to memorize. “I was like, ‘I don’t want lines, I just want to be a dead person in the park.’
Hargitay made a similar revelation to another A-lister recently.
“This recently happened to me with a big supermodel … I found out that she liked my show. So I said, ‘Oh!’ I went to the writers, I said, ‘Can he be on the show?’ And he said he wanted to be a corpse, but I said, ‘No, no, we’ve got this big part of you,'” Hargitay recalled. “I called him again, I said, ‘Listen, we got it. We’ll get you into the program.’ They said, ‘No! No, no, no, no, no, I want to be a corpse.’”
He laughed, “It happens all the time! Why don’t these famous people want queues?”
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