Election Day 2024: Worried About Voter Roll Cleanup? Breathe Easy With These Subscription Tracking Tools
News about states deleting their voter rolls continues to make headlines, with less than 24 hours to go until Election Day, so it’s understandable that you may be concerned about the status of your registration if you haven’t been keeping an eye on it. already.
The latest example of this comes from Virginia, where this month the state’s effort to remove suspected noncitizens from its list under a program that began in August prompted legal action by the Justice Department, which filed a lawsuit citing concerns that eligible citizens will be unfairly targeted. removed during the process. In a 6-3 decision on Wednesday, the US Supreme Court allowed Virginia’s cleanup to pass. Similar cleanups have recently occurred in North Carolina, Texas and Oklahoma, and a federal court has ordered a halt to further cleanup efforts in Alabama.
A study from the Brennan Center found that this cleaning jumped by 21 percent from 2020 to 2022 compared to the same period between 2014 and 2016. While this purging may be a common issue that accurately removes long-term eligible voters, the Brennan Center has warned that over-expansion can lead to “the risk of a wrongful purging.” If this is close to a big national election, they could risk cleaning up people who have done nothing wrong and leave them with no time to fix the situation.
Whatever the reason in your area, there are a number of free online tools that can help you check your registration status, and do it quickly. Read on for all the details, including information on avoiding election year phishing scams.
To find out more about the upcoming election, here are the states that allow early voting and which states will still allow you to register to vote.
Where can I check my voter registration?
While you can search the secretary of state’s website for where you live to check your voting status, the quickest way is to visit a non-criminal voter website to check your registration. Note that all of these sites listed below allow you to check your voter status if you live in one of the 50 states or Washington, DC, but do not include voter information if you live in one of the US Territories: US Citizens who live in US Territories cannot vote the president in the national election. Here are three nonpartisan sites you can use to check your voter status:
Vote.org is one of the most popular sites you can use to check your online voter registration status. Operated by a non-profit, non-profit, voter outreach organization, Vote.org allows you to check that you are registered to vote, using a few pieces of personal information: Your first and last name, street address, date of birth, and email address. You also have the option to add your phone number to receive texts, which you can also check out. If you find that you are not registered, you can tap the Register to Vote buttonon the main Vote.org page to register.
I can vote from the National Association of Secretaries of State is another one-stop shop for voting resources. If you choose the Voter Registration Status link above I can vote and select the county where you live, you will be sent to your official registration confirmation page to check your voter status.
Vote411.orgsponsored by the League of Women Voters, also allows you to check your voter status, register if you’re not registered, and see what’s available in your area. Similar to the NASS voter site, Vote411 allows you to check your status by directing you to your state’s voter registration confirmation page. If you are not registered, Vote411.org offers a Register to Vote link on its home page, which prompts you to enter your name, address, email and phone number, and details the registration options available to you. If your state offers online registration, Vote411 will provide a direct link to that official page.
What if I find out I’m not registered to vote?
If you use one of these services and find that you are not registered, perhaps due to being purged from the voter list or because you forgot that you did not start registering, there are several options you have to try to register in time for the 2024 general election. You can check out this guide from CNET to find out what methods your state offers for voter registration and what their deadlines are. By now, registration deadlines have passed in most states, but there are still some that will allow you to register on Election Day itself.
How do I check for election phishing?
As with many other aspects of modern life, elections and voter registration have become victims of phishing crimes. Reports from major states like Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania found that people were being targeted by schemes using URLs like “all-vote.com” and “votewin.org,” with text messages saying the recipient was not registered to vote. . Clicking will prompt them to enter their information in the form.
In a report on election phishing, cyber security expert Brian Krebs suggested three “red flags” to look out for if you suspect such a message may be a scam:
- Check a site like Icann Lookup to see if a domain URL has been registered recently.
- Check the site to see if it contains any real information about who owns the supposed group.
- Check to see how much personal information is being requested from you and whether the form is subscribing to other messages.
All can be clear signs of phishing.
For more information on the upcoming election, check out how the US election system is under attack and how officials are preparing for the challenges of the process.