Lumagica in Innnsbruck – What Can You Expect

As the NSBRUK, we entered the Hofgarten, where Lumagica was expected – an impressive series of lights shown throughout the historical park.

The park returns in the 15th century created at first as part of the Kingdom Gardeners because of the royalty. And the annual light ceremony from November to February, converts gardens into a gathering place, inviting visitors to hear the magic of peace, love, and family.

Lumagica starts back to Hüceckelhoven, Germany, where the installation was exposed to the coal hill. Umqondo usudluliselwe ezindaweni zonke phezu kweYurophu, kufaka phakathi i-Warsaw, iTrondheim, i-Barcelona, futhi – manje – manje – manje – manje – manje.

It is a prominent and adults that will be happy alike. The rotation of a rotation of a kilometer is decorated with lightly watered, trains, trees and more.

In the middle of your trip, there is a place where you can get warm drinking, before continuing to enjoy the whole template. Some trees have been glued and change colors in harmony with music, while they are overly considered, the glorious insects live with powerful images.

My personal preferences were balloons and a solitary robin (the last only because my football team returned home is called ‘Robins’).

The installation found in intelligent communication, where participants are invited to each of the affecting metal dome and connect – can hold hands or share bright kisses.

Having a history of history and the art of modern light that was the most amazing and the proper celebration of rich molding and the masterpiece.

In fact, Lumagica at Innsbruck is above the visible show; It is a focused experience that touches the heart and the soul. Whether you want a family’s fun or a moment of display, this light trip gives something different and special.

Disclosure: Our trip was sponsored by the Innsbruck Tourism.
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