The Bright and Good: Ridge & Taylor Can’t Shake Spiritual Bond – Leave LA Together?

Bold and Beautiful delivered Taylor Hayes back for a reason, so maybe you will Ridge ForresterCBS soap ticket for several months. As much as B&B fans tired of seeing the old generation waffler in action, many felt touched by the healing time he shared with Taylor. As the tears flowed, it looked like Ridge was having a deep experience, as was Taylor. But where does this lead?
The Bold and the Beautiful: Does Thorsten Kaye Get His Ridge Forrester Wish?
After a while, Bold and Beautiful Music star Thorsten Kaye said he wanted Ridge Forrester to be written for a long time without a script. This will free him up to take a few months off B&B. He wants to take a long vacation with his family and maybe go to his birthplace, Frankfort, Germany.

But that hasn’t happened yet. According to the CBS cast page, “Thorsten Kaye lives on the East Coast with his wife, Emmy Award-winning actress Susan Haskell, and their daughters, Marlowe and McKenna.” They also see how he goes every week to Los Angeles to film Bright and Beautiful.”
That must be one tough commute from Connecticut to LA every week. So, this probably plays into him wanting a few months off. This way, he could spend time with his family day and night. With that, he promised them a family vacation. But as soon as the soap managed to write Ridge Forrester out of the scenes for a long time.
B&B: Taylor Helps Ridge Slip?
B&B fans see Ridge Forrester as an important member of the cast of this soap. Therefore, it is almost impossible to find time off, especially for a block of several months. But the return of Taylor Hayes (Rebecca Budig) may serve as her ticket off the screen for a while.
A few years ago, the actor said, “I have agreed with my manager [B&B executive producer Brad Bell] that next year or the following year he will not write to me without a story for several months”. So, has this time finally come?
The Bold and the Beautiful: A Spiritual Journey From LA?
Bold and Beautiful fans were disappointed when Ridge Forrester suddenly became Taylor’s spiritual friend and wrote them intimately. Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang) hiding in the shadows has been done before. Not to mention, Taylor Hayes had his chance to sneak up on him, in the past.
So, fans are not interested in seeing Ridge Forrester in the reboot. Choosing again between Taylor and Brooke does not go down well with the audience. But this week’s scenes were different. This time it wasn’t for Ridge to dump one woman for another.
What happened during the Chakra session brought Taylor Hayes and Ridge Forrester to tears. So, with these new developments, Bold and Beautiful it can take the Ridge-Brooke-Taylor triangle in a different direction. Maybe Ridge and Taylor saw this as something stronger than they did. They may be so tied that they cannot move.
Ridge returned home to Brooke after his session with Taylor. Then the matriarch of Logan insisted that they do the same provocative pose together, the Yab Yum pose. But it wasn’t the same. Instead, it turned into a season of love. Maybe Ridge comes out of this knowing it was Taylor Hayes all along.
So, is a spiritual trip to faraway places on the cards for Ridge Taylor and Taylor Hayes? It could be another way for Thorsten Kaye to get that long-awaited family vacation away from the CBS soap.
Check back on Soap Dirt for the latest Bold and Beautiful the robbers.
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