Entertainment News

The Legend of the Musical That Made Buffy the Vampire Slayer Exist

Dolly Parton Buffy the involvement goes back to the beginning before Sarah Michelle Gellar played the perky teenage killer. Dolly Parton’s Sandollar Productions produced the 1992 film starring Kristy Swanson as the titular heroine and Luke Perry as Oliver Pike. Joss Whedon, the creator of the series, was originally involved in the film but bowed out because he didn’t agree with the changes made to his screenplay.

Gail Berman, who was a producer at Sandollar, saw Whedon’s early work. He enjoyed it and believed it could be turned into a TV series. This set the wheels turning and led to what would become The WB’s biggest hit ever, all thanks to Dolly Parton’s keen talent spotting.

Berman went on to serve as executive producer of both Buffy and its spinoff series, Angel.

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