Sales Rush: Tying the knot this year? 48 lakh weddings witnessed generating business of Rs 5.9 lakh-crore in November and December

Wedding Season Sales Rush: As India gears up for a bumper wedding season, traders are expecting a huge boost in business with an estimated 48 lakh weddings expected to take place in November and December generating a business of Rs 5.9 lakh crore, according to the Confederation of All India Traders. (CAIT). The “huge” wedding season is expected to boost the economy like never before, as Indian brands – again – are expected to outshine their foreign counterparts, according to CAIT, a multi-member trade association. The industry association is planning around 4.5 lakh weddings to be organized in the national capital alone during this period, generating a business worth Rs 1.5 lakh crore.
The wedding season in India starts on November 12 this year. Usually, the wedding season in the country leads to more traffic and higher demand for a variety of products and services from clothing, shoes, jewelry, food, transportation, decoration, and video.
The trade association also highlighted that retailers across the country are preparing for an “unprecedented economic boom” this year with the start of the wedding season.
(This story will be updated soon. Keep following this link for the latest updates.)