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30 Facts About Friends From Behind The Scenes And More – Us Weekly

Friends you are officially turning 30. The hit show—if you’re somehow unfamiliar with it—was created by, and starred, David Crane and Marta Kauffman. Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry, Matt LeBlanc again David Schwimmer like twenty one friends in NYC. Now, three decades after its episode aired, these 30 behind-the-scenes facts show why it’s more popular than ever. Keep scrolling to find out more.
- The show was almost called Insomnia Cafe, Friends Like Us, Across the Hall again Six to one before the creators decided that Friends was the best option.
- The producers originally wanted Monica (Cox) and Joey (LeBlanc) to be the central couple of the show, and even tested this in season 3’s “The One With The Flashback.” The episode also explored how fans felt about the reunions between Rachel (Aniston) and Chandler (Perry), Monica and Chandler, and Phoebe (Kudrow) and Ross (Schwimmer).
- Monica and Chandler’s season 4 finale reunion was originally written as a one-time thing, but after an overwhelming fan reaction, production decided to make their relationship permanent.
- The artwork in Central Perk changes every three episodes and usually reflects which season’s episodes are set.
- Actress Anitia Barone was originally cast as Ross Geller’s wife Carol Willick, but was replaced by Jane Sibbett after one episode.
moviestillsdb.com/NBC - Emily Waltham (Helen Baxendale) was supposed to appear in several episodes in the 5th season, but the real pregnancy of the actress made it difficult for her to leave England; Emily was kicked out of the show much sooner than intended.
- The main reason Mike Hannigan (Paul Rudd) and Phoebe ended up together is because the cast and crew wanted to keep Rudd on the show.
- James Michael Tyler was cast as Gunther because he is the only extra who knows how to operate a coffee machine.
- After Friends wrapped its final season, each of the six cast members was given a piece of the road outside of Central Perk.
- Like Monica Geller, Cox is obsessed with cleaning, and could often be found organizing her members’ dressing rooms.
moviestillsdb.com/NBC - Aniston, Cox, Kudrow, LeBlanc, Perry and Schwammer appeared in every episode.
- Carol and Susan’s wedding was the first marriage between two women to be shown on network TV, and NBC was so concerned about the audience response that it hired telephone operators to field what they expected to be hateful calls. They got only 11.
- Schwimmer hated working with Marcel the Monkey in season 1 so much that the producers wrote the primate out of the show.
- Phoebe and Chandler were originally written as supporting characters.
- Throughout the show, Chandler had a small number of romantic relationships.
- Although each episode has a running time of 22 minutes, their shooting took about 5 hours. All episodes were filmed in front of a live studio audience.
- Ross and Rachel have the same initials, “RG”.
- None of the three leading women have a child in the so-called “traditional” way. Monica is accepting, Rachel is a single mother and Phoebe works as a nanny for her brother Frank (Giovanni Ribisi) and his wife Alice (Debra Jo Rupp).
- The late Perry was the youngest actor ever.
moviestillsdb.com/NBC - Monica and Phoebe are the only characters who have never kissed.
- The first line of the show, “Nothing to say. A guy I work with,” Monica spoke, and the last line—“Sure. Where?”—provided Chandler.
- Rachel’s last name is spelled differently during the game. Sometimes it’s Greene, while sometimes it’s Greene.
- Monica’s name appeared in the titles of only eight episodes, a few friends in six. Rachel’s name stood out the most, with 27.
- Chandler is the only friend without a brother.
moviestillsdb.com/NBC - Rachel is the only friend who kissed all the other friends (although her kiss with Chandler happened in a dream, and her kiss with Monica was never shown.)
- Ross is the only main cast member who is never seen living in Monica’s apartment.
- Joey is the only character without a marriage featured on the show. And he’s the only actor who doesn’t end up being a human at the end of 2004.
- Aside from the series finale in season 10, seasons 2 and 6 are the only seasons that did not end with a cliffhanger involving Ross and Rachel’s relationship.
- Each character has been inactive at some point.
- In the end, the word “friends” was mentioned 302 times during the entire show.
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