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Tank vs. Roach & Valenzuela vs. Russell – the weights weighed Saturday

WBA Lightweight Champion GRVOK ‘Tank’ Davis vs Roach and WBA Light Welterweight Champion Jose Gary NantuanNe Russell

Host – Gersvonta Davis 133.8 vs. Lamont roach 135
– Jose ‘Rayo’ Valenzuela 138.8 vs. Gary Anstanne 138.2

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The tank looked back to you today, and you can say that you will wear a lot of weight on one night after you are successful. Excessive attraction, you enter less than 133.8 lbs instead of intimacy with the full limit of separation. This is a beautiful topic to protect yourself from Davis, and none of his people are powerful to be light.

The only logical tank wants to be easy, knowing that you will need more to buy more due to ROACH technology skills. He will not come to Davis, look at him in the way Ryan Garcia, Isaac Cruz, Frank Martin, Rolaitor “Rolly ‘Romero Romero.

WBA Light Welterweight Champe Jose Jose ‘Rayo’ Rayo ‘Valenzuela’ Valenzuela (14-2, 9 kos) weighed on the existence of his final fighting in August in Los August. Rayo did more from the war, and he did it almost difficult that Cruz put the glove to him. When fighting like this Saturday night, Russell will have many problems coming to him. This can be one battle charged.

“He is FrontRunner like everyone else can fight. That is what,” said Germenta Davis weighed, talking about Lamont Roach. “Looking at me, he shows. None of this kind of energy. The same old age, I give people what they want to see.

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Keep Review on 02/28/2015

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