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Hitchins oppose Teofimo’s requests, meaning nothing received

Richardson Hichins said tonight that Teofimo Lopez did not send him a gift. Again repeated Lopez to send a contract with “The relevant zeros” To it.

Collections against IBF Light Welterweight Hitchins (19-0, 7 Kos) should be the first three fighting WSO 140-lb Champion Teofimo and Turki al-Shekhh. Two others opposed Jaran ‘Boots’ ennis and the result or successful Ryan Garcia vs devin Haney 2 refin Haney 2 reflatch.

Is Teo painting down?

Could it be that Teofimo wants to fight easily than Richardson for his first contract contract to fight al-Sheikh? Will you agree to allow Lopez to take a scribe to make sure that he does not live in wrong foot for loss? Turki often expects to calculate his cards against opponents; I don’t think you will be Teo’s mind facing another Steve group.

“I, I do not know about all that co-riding SO I don’t give you?” Richardson Hitchins said in the social media, answering Teofimo Lopez tell him to accept the offer sent to him.

“Listen, rejecting an offering from Khile from the $ 2.8 million supition of Suberiel Matias. You are talking about Suberel Matias is not good enough to fight. Who is Pay? -Per-View, you wouldn’t leave $ 3 million.

“You are the only one duck. No one is posted to me. As I said.

No Agreement, No Courage?

It sounds like teo is cold and cold solutions for taking the war with the hithchins. This is the same behavior when Lopez acted with a Subriel Matias and Devin Haney. Surprisingly, Thefimo said he wanted to fight these boys, but when they were trying to find a conflict made, he turned them down.

If you are thefimo will not fight with the Hittchins, he will have to face the WBBA’s WBBA’s winner between Jack Catertall and Arnold jacking Jacks, which will be Teo belts. It is doubtful that Teofimo would want to fight Bout and WBA Champion ‘Novalenzuela or WBC Champ Albamp Albamp Albampo Puello because the ones will be harder to lose.

“Stay saying my name. Stop going to the Internet, talking everything s ***. Richardson Hittingson is the only 140 name. So, as they send what you offer, I have the right Noros, and I am. That’s all I’m going to say.

“I have never been a smoke. No contract or no post is. What are you talking about?” Hichins said in teofimo.

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