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Boxing results: George Liddard won Derrick Ozaze

George Liddard Middle Liddard is defeated by the Derrick of Derrick Over 10 Comnolonwealth cycles on Friday night at O2 Greenwich, London, UK.

(Credit: Mark Robinson / Boxing)

At the main Co-Main event, Super Welterweight ‘Star BOST’ Bostan ended when dragged with Nigering Bilal Fawaz, now out of the UK with a British open.

Liddard, 11-0 (6) Done defeated ‘Delroy Purysing Phyazi’ Youtaze, 13-3- (3) above 10 rounds of Commonwealth.

For the first five rounds, Liddard was before. In the Eight Round you have come to arrive rights receive Liddard Live Rights. In a tenth round and cycle, Osaze had Liddard against wires where Liddard warrants a sewage right.

The referee Marcus McDonnell. Scores 96-94, 96-94 and 97-93.

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At the main Co-Main, Super Welter Welter Junaid ‘Star Boy’ Bostan, 10-0-1 (8-1 (8-1 (8-1 (8-1 (8-1 (8-1 (8-1 (8-1 Fawaz, 9-1-1 (3) on top 10 rounds, of a human BBBOFC with the English Super Welter.

In the first three rounds, Bostan was fought in southeast at times and worked with Fawaz. In the sixth minutes of the first minute of left beef from the bostan in Chin Rocked Fawaz.

From the seventh to nine, Fawaz returned as an attacker that would do enough even, chasing bostan around the ring. Tithing, Bostan chased Fwawaz, who thought you had won a war.

The referee was always Lee. Scores 95-95, 93-97, and 96-94.

Middleweight Jimmy Sain, 9-0 (9), knocked Pierre Risardi, 6-6 (3), at 2:33 of 2:33.

In a fifth round, particles decrease the rosino to 8 – count from Refere Kieran McCann. In the seventh round, spots and throw ROSIDIARIAN to get 8 count from the fires McCann, which released the rosini test.

Super Lightweight Jesse Brandon, 5-0

Brandon used a successful Jab throughout the end of Oliveira to protect. In a fifth round, Branson drew blood from Oliveira nose.

Look at any PU and pass the shop 60-54.

Middleweight Emmanuel ‘This’ Butgieg, 7-0 (0) Todd, 4-4 (2) than six rounds.

For the first three rounds, they both mixed them in the field, with buttigieg in the edge. In the fourth round, Todd had buttigieg on the rope of a large part. In the Sixth and last left of Todd has a lot of swelling around you.

Reference Bernard Oyet said IT 58-56.

Super Faoorgio World, 6-0 (5) What Francisco Javier Lucero, 16-7-4 After five cycles.

Fly Manusey Rosey Courtney, 8-1 (5) prevailed Jasmina Nad, 11-34 (5) above six cycles.

In the second round, Courneyney pulled blood from Nad’s nose.

Reference Amy Pu Kown 7/54 points.

The Super Middleweight Taylor Bevan, 2-0

In the first minute of the Bound Mirgela, and Bevan arrived at the appropriate topicut, threw JDA in another eight counting. When coming up, Bevan had gone over all Kajda, forcing the calling OYET.

In the second round, Bevan arrived in the right direction, threw Kajda eight from Refermee Mark Bates. When coming up, Bivan threw Kajda, blocking war.

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