Prince Harry Says His Mother Would Be Proud of Diana’s Award Winners

Prince Harry
John Nacion/Getty ImagesPrince Harry she’s proud of the new winners of The Diana Award – and she thinks her mother, who has passed away Princess Dianacan be.
Harry, 40, spoke at the Diana Award panel on Monday, September 23, in New York City. The organization was established in memory of Diana, who died in 1997 at the age of 36, and aims to equip young people to lead change through a number of initiatives. Each year, the organization honors 20 recipients as Legacy Award winners.
“I applaud you, for your age, for being at this stage, having the confidence to do what you do, and being able to speak as clearly and passionately as you do,” Harry said in his speech on Monday morning. “I know my mom would be very proud of you… all of you medalists.”
Harry’s speech was followed by speeches from the CEO of the Diana Award Dr. Tessy Ojo and Diana Legacy Award winners, Chiara Riyanti Huntpea Zhang again Christine Williams. The former king noted that he wanted to stay at the end because children like Chiara and Christine give him “hope”.
“I’ve said it years ago and I’ll say it again, the new generation says, [I’m] not putting a lot of pressure on you, that’s what gives me hope,” he said bursting. “The courage you have gives me hope, because each of us needs courage to really pick up the phone and create positive change in today’s world, now more than ever.”
Harry added that “we need to listen” and “take the advice and the perspective” the new generation has.

Princess Diana, Prince Harry and Prince William
Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty ImagesOtherwise, it is your future that is being stolen and it is not acceptable,” he concluded.
In March, Prince William and Harry honored the recipients at the Diana Legacy Awards separately. Harry recorded a video message while William, 42, was there in person to present the awards – and gave a powerful speech in honor of his late mother. (William and Harry are Diana’s sons and King Charles III.)
“I know he would be honored to see a charity in his name doing inspiring work to develop young people from all over the world,” said William in his speech at the time. “He taught me that everyone has the ability to give something back, that everyone in need deserves support in life. I am proud to see this mother’s belief reflected in the amazing young people receiving the Legacy Award tonight.”
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