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Cardio before or after weight lifting: Which is better for weight loss?

Most exercise programs include some amount of cardio as well weight training. If you work regularly on gymnasiumyou may have something you like that you can hit on weight room first or instead jump into a cardio machine. For me, the routine usually depends on what I’m in, but I usually choose cardio first, as I like the endorphin-rush it brings. It has been much debated, but is there a real case for doing one over the other first? And what does science say?

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It all depends on your goals, as with many controversial health and fitness topics. With strength training and cardio, your exercise results will vary depending on how you perform the exercises. The science is not really sure whether one method is better. The bottom line is that it all depends on whether you want to improve overall health, lose weight or gain muscle.

Read on to find out which method best suits your goals. Oh and don’t forget warm up wellregardless.

What are your goals?

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When it comes to deciding whether to do cardio or weights first during your workout, it’s a good idea to start with your goals. Do you want to lose weight or gain muscle tone? Maybe you want to improve your endurance or build bigger muscles.

Another common misconception is that cardio is the most important exercise weight lossbut both cardio and strength training are important for this.

A case of doing cardio first

cardio vs weights

Cardio exercise, like running, is effective at increasing your heart rate and burning calories.

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Cardio is well documented to be effective in burning calories. If you lift weights for 30 minutes versus doing any other cardio activity for the same amount of time, cardio will burn more calories. With that in mind, you may want to start your cardio workout with a strong intensity to get you started heart rate zone you need to burn fat. You can then switch to weight lifting, which will create an “afterburn,” which helps burn calories after you finish exercising.

You don’t even have to work your body hard to reap the benefits of cardio exercise. “Low intensity cardiovascular exercise (instead of fat burning/aerobic training) will help you lose weight. [But] it needs to be maintained for a long time,” says Mollie Millington, a London-based trainer.

Lifting weights first, especially if that’s the case heavy lifting you are using your whole body, it will tire you before you get to the cardio part of your workout. That means you may cut your workouts short and not get the calorie-burning benefits of cardio — especially if you want to burn as many calories as you can in a set amount of time. That said, try both starting with cardio and starting with weightlifting to get a feel for what works best for you. If you do exercises with light weights, that can help raise your heart rate and get your body ready for running, cycling or other cardio activity.

Finally, if you like to run, bike or swim and want to improve your speed or overall endurance, choosing cardio first is wise because you are going for that new workout. This way you start with the exercises that are most important to your long term goals and you will make progress very quickly.

A case of doing weights first

cardio vs weights

Lifting weights and doing strength training exercises is a very effective way to build muscle.

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If your main goal is to improve your strength, be able to lift heavy things or build more muscle, then lifting weights first is best. Don’t tire your body by doing cardio first. If you don’t tire as much, you’ll be able to do more repetitions correctly — and good form is essential to performing strength training exercises safely and effectively.

Doing weights first can also be helpful for fat loss when combined with cardio, according to Millington. “In theory, doing weights first will put your body into aerobic mode [so] by the time you start running, you will be in a fat-burning state. So you can save [that aerobic state] longer while running and thus use fat as an energy source,” says Millington. As I mentioned above, this is best if you lift light weights that don’t strain your entire body.

Finally, although the science is unclear as to whether doing cardio or weights first is best, one thing that is very clear is that doing both is beneficial. Research shows that doing a combination of the two is best for overall health, increasing muscle mass and reducing body fat.

If you want to do both cardio and weight training with 100% effort, you can try doing them on different days, allowing your body to recover in between. If you choose to do both at the same time, see what feels and works best for you.

“I’m a firm believer in doing what you love. Exercise can be fun,” Millington said. “If you’re in the zone where you’re warming up on the treadmill and having fun, don’t stop doing weights. Continue until you’re ready to switch weights. Or if you prefer weights over running, start with a short run and ‘treat’ yourself to the weights,” says Millington.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a doctor or other qualified health care provider about any questions you may have about a medical condition or health goals.

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