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You have a few hours left to bid on this burnt husk in San Francisco

Housing in San Francisco is notoriously expensive, with the average home price hovering around $1.26 million. It’s no wonder that a $299,000 fire-ravaged shantytown in one of San Francisco’s south neighborhoods saw at least 20 people visit the site this past weekend, according to the San Francisco Standard.

Potential buyers will be asked to sign a waiver of liability before they set foot in the charred remains of the building, the source said. The real estate agent representing the property — a “renovation gem” that reportedly housed up-and-comers before it burned down — expects it to fetch more than its asking price. (All bids are due by Tuesday.)

Of course, San Francisco buyers are used to even looting low-cost properties. In early 2022, before many of the tech workers who left the city during the pandemic returned, a developer, 122-year-old Victoria advertised as “the ugliest house in the best neighborhood” in San Francisco sold for nearly $2 million.

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