Today’s NYT Mini Crossword Answers for Nov. 18

Looking for the most recent Mini Crossword the answer? Click here for today’s Mini Crossword clue, as well as our daily answers and hints for the New York Times Wordle, Strands and Connections puzzle.
The New York Times Crossword Puzzle is legendary. But if you don’t have that much time, Mini Crossword is a fun substitute. The Mini Crossword is much easier than the old-school NYT Crossword, and you can finish it in minutes. But if you’re stuck, we’ve got the answers. And if you can use the hints and tips to solve every day, check out our Mini Crossword tips.
Mini Crossword is one of many games in the Times games collection. If you’re looking for today’s Wordle, Connections and Strands answers, you can visit CNET’s NYT puzzle tips page.
Read more: Tips and tricks for solving the New York Times Mini Crossword
Let’s find those Mini Crossword clues and answers.
Completed NYT Mini Crossword for Nov. 18, 2024.
Mini across clues and answers
1Clue: __ Martin, regularly associated with 1-Down
Answer: STEVE
6Reference: Components of irrigation systems
Answer: KINGS
7Clues: The beginning
Answer: ONSET
8Hint: Keep the camera position in the car
Answer: BACK
9 Clue: Try
Answer: TRY
Small clues and answers
1D clue: Martin ___, regular contributor to 1-Across
Answer: SHORT
2D trace: Objects in the printer cartridge
Answer: TONER
3D Trace: A standard type of literature class test
Answer: HEAD
4D clue: Turn around suddenly
Answer: VEER
5D clue: The best Jokey extension
Answer: EST
How to play multiple Mini Crosswords
The New York Times Games section offers a large number of online games, but only some of them are free for everyone to play. You can play today’s Mini Crossword for free, but you’ll need to register in the Times Games section to play older puzzles from the archives.