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Kevin Garnett Recalls Savage Rookie Story Involving Michael Jordan

Kevin Garnett found himself in deep water after trash-talking Michael Jordan during his rookie year and he recently recalled a fun encounter.

“We’re in Chicago and it’s my rookie year,” Garnett said KG Certified. “It’s the second half of the year and you know how you’re holding up now? He’s got two little moves and he’s got them all and he’s confident.”

During the game, Garnett started talking trash about the big Jordan, which caused an immediate reaction from him.

“So I’m on that. JR Rider and Michael [Jordan] we have a good game but as time goes out, I’m all over it. I can’t even explain it, I’m just like ‘Keep killing that n*****, yo.’ And he was like ‘Yeah, you too.’ So as I’m walking I double back like ‘Keep killing that m****, yo.’ And as I say that, I hear you. Hands on hips, legs locked, and Michael stares at me for about 15 seconds. I can leave you, pretend I don’t hear you, and play you and get you out, but f*** that. Nah, here I am…. and I can’t even explain the next 6-7 minutes of playing. In the next 6-7 minutes of play we were down by 25 now, it was the second. Mike was 18 and he is 40 now. JR and I haven’t scored in about four minutes.

“So, I’m alone. Keep killing this n**** yo. ‘Okay go ahead.’ So I can hear JR saying ‘Yeah ok man, go ahead’”.

“So he tried to get me out, now that I remember it, he was trying to push me back a little bit. I go back twice, so he goes, ‘Hey look at Mike, he doesn’t really know how we are,’ I see him and Mike talking, ‘He doesn’t really know, he’s happy,'”.

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