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The Cape Buffalo is a highly protective herbivore

Today, we explore one of the most terrifying and amazing animals in Africa: i Cape buffalo. This powerful cow is not only a member of the prestigious “Big Five” – ​​it is also one of the most dangerous animals on the continent.

The Cape buffalo is a type of African buffalo that is very prominent in the plains and grasslands of southern and eastern Africa for its size and strength.

Although generally calm, you never want to cross paths with the herd, especially if an older bull is nearby. Their protective instincts and strength are unmatched, earning them a reputation as tough and fearless creatures.

Physical Characteristics

Cape buffalo are large, robust animals, easily recognizable by their muscular build and thick, curved horns. A mature Cape buffalo can weigh between 600 and 2,000 kilograms (270 and 907 kilograms) and stand between 4 and 5.6 feet (1.2 and 1.7 meters) tall at the shoulder.

Both male and female Cape buffalo have distinctively shaped horns, often sought after by big game hunters as trophies. However, the horns of mature bulls are particularly impressive. The bases of the bull’s horns meet in the center, forming a strong, helmet-like structure called a “boss,” which provides protection and is used for self-defense and combat.

This type of buffalo has a dark, gray coat that ranges from dark brown to black, and their wide-shaped eyes give them a strong look. Although buffalo may resemble domesticated cattle, don’t be fooled; they are wild, unpredictable and very powerful.

Different types

The Cape buffalo is the most well-known species of African buffalo, but other species are found throughout the continent.

For example, the forest buffalo (Syncerus caffer nanus) is much smaller than its Cape cousin and thrives in the dense, humid forests of Central and West Africa. Its compact size and reddish-brown coat make it well suited for walking in thick trees, and it tends to live in small, widely dispersed herds compared to the large, social Cape buffalo.

On the other hand, the West African buffalo (Syncerus caffer brachyceros) lives in open areas in West Africa. These buffalo are generally smaller and lighter in build than the Cape buffalo, and are distinguished by their red coats, which help them blend into the grasslands of the savanna.

While they share similarities with their Cape counterparts, such as social behavior, their herds tend to be smaller, and are used to more arid conditions.

Also, don’t confuse this large cow with its distant relative, the Asian bison; they are completely different species.

Social Habits

One of the most interesting things about Cape buffalo is their social structure. They live in large herds of up to hundreds, especially during the rainy season when food is plentiful.

The herd protects against predators such as lions. When threatened, bison will form a protective circle around weaker members, with mature bulls facing outwards to protect the group.

Interestingly, not all buffalo live with large herds. Young males often form small bachelor groups after being chased away by dominant males. These bachelor groups can be dangerous, as young bulls tend to be aggressive and unpredictable.


Cape buffalo are herbivores that spend most of their time grazing on grass. Their diet consists of tough grasses that other herbivores may find difficult to digest.

Because of their size, Cape buffalo must eat a lot of food – between 13.5 and 38.5 kilograms of grass – to maintain their energy levels.

During the dry season, when grass is scarce, bison feed on shrubs and other vegetation, although they prefer open grasslands where they can graze freely. Their landscaping practices actually help maintain the savanna ecosystem by preventing grass from growing.

The environment

Cape buffalo are found mainly in the grasslands of southern and eastern Africa, and in parts of central Africa.

They thrive in areas with a lot of water, as they need to drink a lot of water every day to survive. That is why flocks are often seen near rivers, lakes or swamps, especially in the dry season.

Cape buffalo are more common in national parks and protected areas, where they are safe from human activity. However, they are not particular about their habitat and can adapt to a variety of conditions, including dry plains and swamps, as long as there is enough food and water.

Life cycle

Cape buffalo females usually give birth to one calf after a gestation period of about 11 months. The calf stays close to its mother for the first year of life and is protected by the herd.

The maternal bond is strong, and mothers protect their children fiercely. Calves are weaned after six months but will continue to stay with the herd until they reach maturity.

Young males are usually kicked out of the herd when they are 3 to 4 years old, joining bachelor groups until they are old enough to challenge the dominant bulls for mating.

Cape buffalo can live up to 20 years in the wild, although life can be difficult for older buffalo, as they often fall prey to lions, especially if they are weakened by injury or disease.

Conservation Status

Cape buffalo, sometimes called the “Black Death” by big game hunters because of their unpredictable nature, are not currently in danger.

In fact, its people have settled in many places, due to their presence in nature reserves and reserves. However, in some regions, their numbers have been affected by habitat loss and diseases spread by domestic cattle.

Efforts to conserve African bison are focused on protecting their habitats and controlling tsetse flies, which can spread diseases such as African trypanosomiasis, also known as “sleeping sickness,” to these bison.

In areas where conservation is paramount, Cape buffalo continue to play an important role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystems they inhabit.

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First article: The Cape Buffalo is a very protective animal

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