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Sister Wives: Christine Hits Back at David’s Disparaging Words

Sister Wives he became very proud Christine Brown introduced her husband now, but then she fell in love with him, David Woolley and TLC cameras for the first time on this week’s episode. When he was stripping David, he said something that made him blush.

After what she said, if viewers don’t know the outcome of their relationship in real time, they might think she’s hooking up with another Kody Brown. Fans thought his words were a bit condescending.

Sister Wives: Christine Brown Goes Too Fast

While Sister Wives star Christine Brown’s mug runs happily, the theme of her quick walk starting to emerge. First, it was her kids, who all love David and are happy for Christine, but think she’s on the fast track in this relationship.

The two shared the name L after just two weeks of dating. Many people avoid public attention. But for Christine, the more PDAs, the better these days, because she’s happy.

Sister Wives - Christine Brown - David Woolley
Sister Wives | TLC

So, while Christine’s children have their say about their mother speeding, another party is heard. That is David Woolley, the man she married today. But when they filmed these Sister Wives Scenes from Sunday’s show, it was early morning during their courtship.

David Woolley finds Christine Brown Blushing…

Sister Wives celebrity Christine Brown has been talking about David a lot this week. But at one point, David’s words sounded like something Kody might say to other fans. He called her “fierce” when he wanted to kiss her.

But he didn’t stop there. He raised it by calling her “lacking some love”. If fans didn’t know everything they know about David Woolley today, they might think that Christine Brown has found herself another Kody Brown. But he didn’t, as fans now see David as a different person.

Sister Wives: Are David’s Words Misunderstood?

On Sunday Sister Wives The episode, David Woolley turned to Christine Brown and said that he was desperate when he came to her to kiss her, he was not calling her a desperate woman, but reviving something that he may have told her off camera.

David used the word desperate to explain why he was so angry. Christine wasn’t talking. He seemed to understand the way Kody Brown treated him, leaving him desperate for attention. So, while it might sound like a slam, it probably wasn’t.

In the screenshot below, David tells Christine that he was rough in the kissing department. He also noted that he longed for some love. But he probably meant that he understood because this was lacking in him Sister Wives’ marriage.

Sister Wives - Christine Brown - David WoolleySister Wives - Christine Brown - David Woolley
Sister Wives | TLC

Either way, David Woolley seemed to stop Christine Brown in her tracks when he said that. He looked embarrassed as he blushed, but quickly pulled himself out of there.

Christine hesitated, put her hand on her head, and agreed with David. “I was there,” he said, quickly adding that he longed for love, but insisted that it only came from him. So, there you have it… while it sounds strange, David Woolley may have been fueling Christine’s despair after leaving a loveless marriage.

Check back on Soap Dirt for the latest buzz Sister Wives.

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